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Mumtaz Maricar


Artist & Theatre Practitioner

Mumtaz is a Thamizhachi who is trying her best to figure out what is the meaning of existence and if there is any meaning in it at all. When she isn't staring into the clouds with a cup of masala tea pondering about these things, she paints, acts, writes and does Art Direction.

T:>Works Team

Artistic Director: Ong Keng Sen
Executive Director: Traslin Ong
Administration: Ong Soo Mei

Communications & Engagement: Chong Si-Min

Interns: Chimene Khoo, Danielle Koh,

Gaiatri Sasithara, Irish Alcantara,

Jeffrey Kang, Sai Lalitha Aiyer &

Toh Cheng Yee


With support from


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