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Anuja Varaprasad


Speech Therapist & Dancer

Anuja is a Thamizhachi who is passionately a dancer, professionally a speech therapist—both of which, to her, are different ways of communicating with people. She is also an imperfect parent to two young children, so it goes without saying that she can't do without her daily cup of filter coffee. She just wants to be better than she was yesterday.

T:>Works Team

Artistic Director: Ong Keng Sen
Executive Director: Traslin Ong
Administration: Ong Soo Mei

Communications & Engagement: Chong Si-Min

Interns: Chimene Khoo, Danielle Koh,

Gaiatri Sasithara, Irish Alcantara,

Jeffrey Kang, Sai Lalitha Aiyer &

Toh Cheng Yee


With support from


Presented by

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